Hamro Nepal

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Bhurti Temple Complex of Dailekh

Property names are listed in the language in which they have been submitted by the State Party. Nepal (Asia and the Pacific)
Date of Submission: 30/01/2008 
Criteria: (ii)(iv) 
Category: Cultural 
Submited by: Department of Archaeology 
State, Province or Region: Dailekh District, Bheri Zone, Mid-West Nepal
Coordinates: N28 50 15 E81 42 30
Ref.: 5264


The temple complex of Bhurti in Dailekh District of Western Nepal consists of an ensemble of 22 monuments. Exactly when and by whom this temple complex was established and constructed is not known. The temples are constructed in the typical style of Western Malla Architecture. The monuments are constructed in dry stone masonry in Panchadeval style - a variant prevalent in the entire Khasa Kingdom. The style, form and craftsmanship of the temples are unique to the region.  

Currently there are is no worship practices taking place at these temples. 

Justification for Outstanding Universal Value
Satements of authenticity and/or integrity

The temples are in their original state and are at some distance from the nearby township. The temple complex is found to be in good condition. 
Comparison with other similar properties

There are several sites in the area which originate from the Khasa Kingdom such as the Sinja Valley and Dullu where various structures have been found; Pancha Dewal, Stone columns and the ruins of palaces. With further research it would be possible to consider the nomination of this site within the context of the ancient Uttar Pata or Northern Route which linked the Gangetic plains to Western Tibet and the Silk Route.